Welcome to the homepage of the chair of econometrics!
The Chair of Econometrics and Financial Econometrics conduct research and teaching on quantitative methods. Research is focused on the construction of inferential methods, applications of Bayesian statistics and machine learning, time series and panel data methods and applications, as well as learning analytics. The chairs offer several compulsory for different programs (business, economics, business informatics and econometrics, among others) from introductory lectures until Phd-level courses. We also offer courses on current research topics, such as Bayesian econometrics, causal inference, financial econometrics, extreme value theory and statistical learning. also offered.
Thu, 29. Jun 2017 Massing, Till
Promotionspreis für Dr. Yannick Hoga
Sun, 26. Feb 2017 Arnold, Martin
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hanck zum associate editor für AStA berufen
Wed, 21. Dec 2016 Arnold, Martin
Paper "Testing for changes in (extreme) VaR"
Sat, 20. Aug 2016 Arnold, Martin
DFG-Projekt „Time-varying dynamics in panel data sets with stochastic trends” bewilligt.
Thu, 14. Jan 2016 Massing, Till
Drittmittelprojekt "ProViel" bewilligt
Mon, 23. Mar 2015 Arnold, Martin
Manuscript "Weight Gain in Freshman College Students and Perceived Health"
Wed, 30. Jul 2014 Arnold, Martin
Promotionspreis Czudaj
Wed, 30. Jul 2014 Arnold, Martin
Manuscript "Nonstationary-Volatility Robust Panel Unit Root Tests and the Great Moderation"
Wed, 16. Apr 2014 Czudaj, Robert
Projekt wird von der MERCUR gefördert
Fri, 11. Apr 2014 Arnold, Martin
Paper “Does global liquidity drive commodity prices?"
Fri, 14. Feb 2014 Arnold, Martin
Manuscript "IV-Based Cointegration Testing in Dependent Panels with Time-Varying Variance"
Mon, 03. Feb 2014 Arnold, Martin
Paper "Regime shifts and the Canada/U.S. exchange rate in a multivariate framework"
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